
Basilica de Guadalupe in Mexico City

The Holiest and most famous catholic site in Latin America

The villa de Guadalupe is the holiest and most famous catholic site in Latin America. It is located in the North of Mexico City, precisely at the place where the Virgin appeared to Juan Diego in 1531.

As history goes, the Bishop did not believe the farmer that he has seen the Virgin, Juan Diego, went to see the Virgin again. She told him to pick flowers and to bring them back to the Bishop.

In fact, a bunch of flowers bloomed on the hill of Tepeyac in the deepest winter.  When Juan Diego opened his coat to show them to the Bishop, the inside pictured the Virgin of Guadalupe showed up in the fabric of the coat.

The original picture of the Virgin is located in the new basilica above the main Altar. A treadmill advances visitors to observe the image and avoid crowds.

From the old basilica, which stands across the place of the new basilica, leads a beautiful pathway to the hill of Tepeyac. Find the Parroquia de Indios, where Juan Diego spent his last years, the Capilla del Pocito, where the Virgin appeared to him the first time, up to the Capilla del Cerrito on Tepeyac hill, where he picked the flowers. Furthermore, the pathway is a beautiful stony way that leads through rose gardens with fountains and sculptures.

Address: Fray Juan de ZumárragaNo.2, Col. Villa A. Madero

Masses: Daily: 6 am, 7 am, 7.45 am, 8.30 am, 9 am and every hour till 8 pm.

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